Hello loyal P.B. and Jers! It's been a while, so what have our friends in the cabinet been up to?
Well, when we last left off, Plumpy'nut had arrived at the cabinet and was asking for help from P.B., Jane, our other foodie friends, and you guys, too. And thanks to your generosity, Plumpy'nut is closer than ever to his goal!
I wanted to update you on Plumpy'nut's progress because the deadline for making a donation through #Team45, Action Against Hunger's global fundraising campaign to fight deadly hunger, is fast approaching! Our goal is to raise enough money to save 1,000 children by June 30th. Today is that day, but it's not too late to help! You can still make a gift, or spread the word on social media.
Remember, just one dollar is enough to feed a child for a day. So every dollar really does count!
Need any more reasons to give? Here's everyone's favorite cabinet resident, Fluff, with some words of wisdom for you:

Thanks again for all your support, P.B. and Jers! You'll be hearing from Plumpy'nut again soon about what your support will help him accomplish!