Monday, April 25, 2011

Industry Advice from B.L.T.

Last Friday I had a friend tell me that she doesn't know how I come up with a new one of these every week. I tell her I don't really either. But despite that, here's the latest one, and I hope you all enjoy it.

(As usual, no affiliation with TLC or any of their property. Just tryin' to be funny.)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Welcome to Chow-Town Records

Jane and All-Natural P.B. visit their new record label and meet some of the other talent.

(Please note I have no connection with: TLC, Berry Gordy or Motown. I just really like making food jokes out of people's names.)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Fluff's Birthday

Hey everyone! You may have noticed I didn't post on Monday, but that's because I wanted to do a special Friday edition of PB and Jane. Why, you ask? Well, today's my birthday. And, coincidentally, Fluff's birthday. So let's go to a party!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Jane Spreads the Good News

Hello and happy April, loyal PB&Jers! Sorry for missing last week, I was busy with other things. But, as it turns out, so was Jane. We find out what she was busy with this week:

(As I stated two weeks ago, I am not affiliated with Motown records-- though the graphic designer in me couldn't help but try a knockoff of their logo for Chow-Town Records-- or Berry Gordy in any way.)